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How To Improve Your Sleep

Updated: Mar 28, 2022

Figures show that an adult currently averages around 6 hours of sleep a night, even though it is recommended that we get 7-9 hours . If the body is constantly subjected to insufficient rest, then the implications in the long term can be detrimental.

But I do get it and I completely sympathise. Family life, work life, relationships, stresses and a whole matter of other things get in the way of us hitting our beds at 10:30 sharpish. However, I believe there have been plenty of times where we have been in control of getting thorough rest and we just haven’t followed through. It’s at times like these where we need to be disciplined and create those healthy habits.

So let’s start off with one that we all are guilty of, myself included, and that is screen time. It doesnt matter the source, all light is no go. The blue light that is emitted by cell phones, computers, tablets, and televisions tricks the mind into thinking it needs to stay awake and alert. This in turn restrains the production of melatonin, the hormone that controls your sleep/wake cycle, making it harder to fall and stay asleep. My advice: limit the use of technology at least an hour, if not two before bed time. It may help if all devices, particularly mobile phones, are kept in a different room and not by your bedside. This limits the chances of 1. it disturbing you and 2. you wanting to check it.

Create a habit. From a young age you learn to brush your teeth every morning and every night. To this day you still do this twice a day, I hope, without fail. Sleep needs to be treated equally. Start by making it an objective to get to sleep at 10:30/ 11pm, regardless if you are tired or not. This will in-still the habit of going to bed at a set time and over the next few weeks your body will start to adapt to the new schedule.

Mediation. This can be a simple and effective solution to help you drift off to sleep. There are plenty of apps available on apple and android that will guide you through some short breathing exercises to help relax the body and mind, making you drift off into a deep sleep. My favourite and one I use personally is Headspace.

Hot showers. Now this is a winner for me personally. Showering 15-20 minutes before bed will make you feel really relaxed and sleepy, giving you an almost drowsiness effect. Trust me, you’ll be out like a light.

And if those don’t work, good ol scents and candles may do the trick. The dim lighting and the soothing aromas will again help create a calm atmosphere and a drowsiness effect of the mind.

Don’t under estimate the effects of sleep. Yes you can “power through” , “push through” and“ grind all day and everyday” but I guarantee it will catch up with you in the end and lead to a whole host of illnesses, injury and much much more.

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