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Eat Yourself Back to Health

Updated: Mar 28, 2022

I've got a few clients currently recovering from surgery. I have them training specifically to help get them back to tip top health during their recovery safely and effectively and I wanted to send this out as I know there are more of you in this same situation.

The same applies if you are injured, so take note, as it will help you greatly.

The biggest problem or issue when you are recovering is being immobile, especially the first 1-3 weeks immediately after. Hereafter, it's very dependant on the state of your health and the extent of the surgery. But the problem still remains: lack of movement and the weight gain that can commonly occur. Your body is actually going to be burning a little above maintenance at this time and that's purely down to utilising more fuel for the healing and repair process. Its why I advise (or at least advise my clients) to increase their calorie intake by around 150-250 kcals per day on top of their maintenance cals to allow for this process. At this time, the majority of your calories want to made up of protein- its your "restore, repair and make" macronutrient or the building blocks for your body. The rest of your calories can then be made up from veggies (for all your vital vitamins and minerals) and then a little for carbs and fats

The aim for your nutrition at this time is to fuel the body as best as possible for it to RECOVER as best as possible (a note here I should mention is that food is NOT substitute for your medicine). It isnt a time to burden yourself with more fear and panic about a little weight gain and the need to restrict. This wont do much for the mindset, especially when you feel stressed about getting back to the norm of everyday life and taking on your responsibilities. BESIDES, being more strategic with the foods you choose (i.e more whole foods over processed) is proven to be very effective at keeping your daily intake low, without much effort or the hassle of calorie counting.

RECOVERY is first and foremost your main priority, therefore it should be at the top of the list but whilst you are unable to do much, you can actually do a lot, believe it or not. Its normal to feel low and down, missing the things you wish you could be doing, feeling an overwhelming sense of complete powerlessness whilst you mend. Take this as a prompt to ditch that mindset and take back some control. You cant control the exact rate of your recovery, but you can control how you choose to : fuel your body and mindset, which counts for a heck of a lot

Take those of you that train. You are onto a winner if you yourself are recovery from an injury or surgery. The odds of a quick and easy recovery are very much in your favour. Its been proven time and time again that active, strong individuals have an easier recovery during rest and rehabbing than those who don't, so if this isn't incentive to insist making your health a priority, then I really dont know what will. I always hear from clients wishing they had started earlier for all these reasons that may potential come up in the future

I'm all for future proofing your body, now. You never really know what can happen, so why not be "ready".

Has this helped? Feel free to send me your questions at

If you are struggling and feeling frustrated by injury in general and not being able to train, then CLICK HERE

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