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5 Reasons You Should Be Eating More

Updated: Mar 22, 2022

Im so glad you made it on to the page. In truth, this is a very overdue article.

The fitness industry is a minefield for the outsider, even for me as a coach I find it overwhelming, so I have a little knowledge as it how it must feel for your guys. There is so much conflicting information out there its staggering and its why I write this. I want to make it crystal clear to your guys and gals so you don't have to ponder anymore.

Regardless of what you have seen, heard or know- I would say 99.9% of it is false. Most of what you see works, technically, but all for about 5 seconds and honestly, they create such a suppressed mindset, that it takes more work to undo that than anything else. In my opinion and of all the years of experience Ive had working with clients, EATING MORE, is the missing piece of the puzzle.

Surely not, I hear you say?! What if my goal is to lose weight, get stronger, be leaner, feel mobile and do everything and anything you want? Surely eating more would be counter productive ?

I get that. Its usually the same confusion Im met with from my own clients, but you'll want to read on if you have been struggling with fatigue, injury and stripping body fat for some time now. It could be the break through you've been searching for all these years.

5 reasons to WHY you should be eating more

You'll have more energy

Sounds obvious, sure, but at least 1 in 3 people drastically cut calories day to day in a desperate bid to lose body fat. The thing is, to lose body fat, we need to expend more energy than we do intake energy (calories in VS calories out) so if we are dropping calories day by day, then its very likely you'll move less. Studies have shown numerous times those that are on very little calories force their overall NEAT to drop dramatically, even basics tasks become a chore

Your providing your body "health"

Eating very little contributes to a lot in my view. Forget weight loss, what about all the nutrients you are missing out on. You body needs proteins, carbs, fats, minerals, vitamins to maintain good health, as well as improve it. Cutting back on calories means cutting BACK on your health. Skin, teeth, bone, muscle, hormones are just a few of the things that get affected when you cut back

Will speed up your recovery 10x

Ever struggled to bounce back from injury or surgery? Well, nutrition can have a BIG part to play. It's common to want to watch your body weight during circumstances like these because you aren't able to move much, but that isn't the best thing for your body right now. If anything, up those calories. You body is going to need the fuel to heal and repair itself, so you'll be burning more calories than you BMR is normally. Take it into account to help make your recovery as efficient as possible

PREVENT disease, illness and injury

Training is the most effective tool to prevent all three of these but next on that list is nutrition. Foods provide us with so much good stuff (all mentioned above) that its crazy to be depriving ourselves of it. Third world countries suffer from malnutrition, but so do the likes of the western world (USA, the UK) : access to an abundance of foods YET many of the population are nutrient deprived because we opt for low cal, connivence stuff. In smalll doses and every now and then, it works, but again long term, there are consequences to depriving oneself

Gain more enjoyment from life

Realistically, who wants to be obsessing over every morsel of food, feeling shame and guilt for "trying to be good"? Its tiring and can take the fulfilment out of living life. Eating healthily and well doesn't need to be hard and stressful. I say, nurture your body as much as possible. Think of it as treating your body as it DESERVES

Im all for eating as much as possible. The goal really is simple: to live on as many calories as possible that enhance how you feel and propel your performance. Its really what we are all striving for

NEED help and support with your own nutrition to recover from injury, illness, fatigue and more? Drop me a message here

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