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How To Get More Willpower

Updated: Apr 3, 2022

I remember someone saying it to me years ago when I was upset about my training "Why dont you just get some will power then ?!"

And it really hit me. What was wrong with me ?! Why couldn't I just do it and not be tempted to not

And I hear the same from clients and others I speak too. "I just dont have any willpower ", "I need to get more willpower " "How do people have that much willpower?!"

Well, the reason is it doesnt exist. It was never simply that there was something wrong with you, its JUST that its not a THING. What you lack is an understanding of the WHY you need to do something.

Let me explain.

See, when you are at work you have tasks to do. If those arent completed, then there's a consequence to that i.e bad reputation, loss of job, no promotion. So you do what is necessary to ensure these things happen/ or dont happen

And Its the same at home. If the washing doesnt get done, then you wouldn't have clothes for the next week or so

The same with your health, if you dont bother to brush your teeth, the consequence of that is poor hygiene, which can lead to cavities, infections and possible loss of teeth.

Every action you take has a consequence, whether it is good or bad, regardless of the outcome. If we do the same thing over and over unconsciously, its through discipline and habit, both of which drive us to do what's necessary or unnecessary. Those moments when you feel you "lack willpower", usually in regards to things we dont like doing OR when we are lacking clarity and its the latter you'll find yourself in when it comes to your health and fitness

Understanding your WHY will be of huge help. If we ask ourselves this question enough, you'll eventually get to the real reason as to why you want / need to do anything. In the case of your training and your over all health, it may be :

Because your health is at risk?

Because you want to physically be stronger so you can do more ?

Because you want to be injury and pain free and be able to live a happy life ?

To run and play with the kids and enjoy every moment with them?

To enter a race / competition and tick one more thing off the "bucket list"?

To feel and look better so you are more confident?

To lose weight and finally feel happier than ever in your own skin?

For the sheer enjoyment after a long, stressful day at work?

These may not be your why or your goal, but WHATEVER it is, it needs to be personal and meaningful to you. This will be what propels all of your choices and all of your actions, so the next time you catch yourself saying "I dont have any willpower!" remember 1. It doesnt exist and 2. Ask and remind yourself, what is your why ? What does that look like and mean to me truly?

Need more help with your own training, nutrition and general motivation to live a happier and healthier life? Then CLICK HERE

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