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Exercise Your Mental Wellbeing

Updated: Mar 28, 2022

Mental wellbeing is a hot topic throughout all media, with more and more people in the public eye opening up about their personal struggles.

Regardless of whether you have a prominent illness or not, everyone should be taking care of their mental wellbeing, just as much as you would your body. But knowing how to go about this isn't easy. Its not like you can take your brain, stick it on a treadmill, make it lift some weights and call it "Job Done".

So what to do? How do you go about healing yourself and making sure your mind and its thoughts are taken care of daily? Give these simple tips a go.

1. Go outdoors in the DAY. This one I cant stress enough. Exposing yourself to daylight makes sure that your circadian rhythm is working correctly, making for a better nights sleep to fully rest the body before morning.

2. Limit social media time. And I am a hugely guilty of this. Aimlessly scrolling through social media, comparing your body, your looks, your processions, where you live etc is all unecessary exposure to the mind, resulting in low confidence and self esteem. We are all unique in our owns way and should be proud of ourselves, rather than tearing ourselves down.

3. Exercise daily. This one is easy peasey and can be done immediately! Flooding the body with serotonin will immediately lift the mood.

4. Choose your company carefully. Have you heard the saying, “ You are the company you keep”? Well its 100% true. Select the right people to have within your social circle, those who are positive, support you and push you to be your best. Those who are negative, create drama and resent you for succeeding need to be cut off. It sounds harsh, but you must put yourself first.

5. Sleep. 7- 9 hours, no less. Its a must!

6. Eat nutritious foods. Consuming foods rich in vitamins and minerals is a vital part of keeping the body tip top condition. By doing this, you create a optimally functioning body that is able to fight infection and disease so you are able to live a healthy, happy life.

7. Schedule “You” time. Most people don’t actually make time for themselves when organising their diaries and so they claim to have "NO TIME FOR ME", which in fact

isn’t the case, its poor time management. Be sure to schedule time in to rest and that's just for you. Whatever you choose to do with this time is entirely up to you. Just make sure its written in your diary.

8. Sex. Yes I said it. Having it regularly, like exercise, will release all those feel good hormones, lifting the mood instantly.

I guarantee by making some or all of these daily habits, you will start to feel much better and life in general will seem much calmer and manageable. And if you want anymore support on any of the areas covered, then drop me a message below

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