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Get Strong & Supple

Helping you build a strong, lean & supple body for LIFE that you feel confident and proud in



There is no other programme out there that will help to educate and upskill you to take control and complete ownership of your health like this one 

Whats Get Strong & Supple??

The Get Strong & Supple is an initial 16 week programme designed to educate and teach you to take ownership of your diet, fitness and wellbeing so you can life a healthy and happy life. It will help you improve body composition, enhance joint health, increase muscular strength and upgrade your habits 


These are the 4 key areas of your health and wellbeing we'll address:

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 Does this sound familiar: 

You start with good intentions. You sign up to a gym, a class, you may even do a few YouTube videos, you eat a couple of healthy meals. You start to feel good, you feel like you are making progress. But then you slip up. You miss a workout, drink some wine, have some chocolate, spend all week glued to your desk and your aches and pains are starting to come back. Suddenly, weeks have gone by and you feel worse than ever

It feels impossible right?

Well, not anymore. In my experience over my years of coaching, that there is one thing lacking: education and then application. This programme has been designed to support and advise you in order to minimise the overwhelm and stress starting your health and fitness journey, whether thats to take care of your health long term, achieve an aesthetic or performance goal or generally live a happy and healthy life without compromise, this programme will help you do just that


How does it work?

PHASE 1: Habit Building 
Adopt new habits using my Habit Builder Framework TM that will support a healthier and more positive lifestyle.  We'll address sleep, hydration, activity levels and nutrition basics

PHASE 2: Mobility and Strength Training
Introduction to strength and mobility based training plan developed to practise the basics of movement patterns, improve joint health and build strength

Phase 3: Body Recomposition
Learn how to drop body fat, the sustainable way and create a lean, toned physique you've always wanted

Are you tired of waking up every morning feeling exhausted, uncomfortable, achy and stiff and have tried everything you can think to improve your circumstances, then this programme is for you

Lose body fat and boost your energy levels


Reverse the effects sitting at your desk is having


Improve your body's physcial capabilites and get better at managing pain


Feel comfortable and confident in your skin and your abilties


Get healthy for LIFE

Have you:

Taken extreme methods in bid to get healthy and lose weight


Spent hours at your desk unable to stand without creaking & cracking


Been confused about what to do & where to start when trying to get healthy


Had ongoing issues with tightness, pain, aching & stiffness & cant seem to shift them


Lost all confidence in your skin

Then this is everything you will need to transform your health and your life

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I was like you at one time


I was frail and in a fragile state. I was riddled with injury and I could barely get through the day without feeling some kind of discomfort. I thought I was doing all the right things to be healthy.... but turns out I was doing the complete opposite


I was overtraining, not sleeping, dehydrated and under fed. My body was completely depleted. It was no wonder it started to experience all the things I was actually trying to avoid


I didnt know what I needed. I didnt know where to start or who I even needed to go to to get the help and advice I so desperately needed


Its why I am so passionate about helping people do the same. I want to educate and support those of you who are going through the same thing and empower you to take control and change your circumstances It doesnt have to be like this

Dont take it from me... take a look at the results !

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The one programme that will give you the ideal start in your health and fitness journey

Whats Included in the Coaching Programme?

Assess current state and map out short and long term goals
Create a personalised plan that will be housed in your own client hub area 
Gain access to a wide- range of learning resources surrounding your health, training and wellbeing
Large exercise library full of demonstrations
1:1 weekly support

Be part of the Facebook community


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Unsure if its for you?

What happens next?

Its simple. 

Once you have applied, I be in touch to book in your FREE coaching call. We'll discuss everything from your struggles to your ideal goal during this time. As soon as a plan of action for the next 4 months has been created, youll be onabording onto the team and away your coaching starts! Its as easy and effective as that!


F & Qs

Q: What if I cant commit to the 12 weeks?

There is never a right time to start. The idea is to be CONSISTENT, not perfect, so even if you can do that weeks task, there is always another option. Just message me




Q: What if I get injured or ill? Can I still participate?

Things happen,  but the beauty of this is tha there are still things you can do to make progress, however small




Q: What do I do if I struggle?

Anytime you feel you are sruggling, then please message. Calls can be booked indivdually so we can talk and break down those barriers.




Q: Do I need access to a gym ?

It isnt necessary to have a gym membership. The programme can be done at home




Q: Will I need equipment?

If you have access to a gym, then no you will not. If you are doing the programme from home, then yes, I do recommend getting bands , DBs and KBs (when instructed)




Q: Ive signed, but am unable to commit? What happens then?

If in the first week you are unable to commit, then a full refund will be given




Q: What happens if I dont see OR feel any progress is happening?

The first thing to do is contact me via email or the Facebook group. A call can then be booked and we will chat to see what we can do to change and fix that




Q: What happens after the 16 weeks?

This is this the time to enjoy your hard work and venture into whatever you want to do next. There is however, the option to go through the programme again if you feel you need more time or you can dicuss to work with me on 1 :1 monthly basis to continue your progress



Q: I need more motivation?

Awesome, thats why you are here. Make sure to be active in the Facebook group. Attend the lives, ask questions and post some positive feedback to help encourage you and your fellow member

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